This is a pre-ceremony notification to all who intend to participate in medicine ceremonies with us. It is essential you read all the info below. Even those of you who have already participated and are doing so again, please also read the following. Thank you.
Please examine your motivation for participating in medicine ceremonies. Your participation should not be taken lightly. These are not recreational experiences but deep personal healing journeys. If you are not prepared to be completely honest with yourself and with us, as is possible in this present moment, you can, not only put yourself in danger but also compromise the group energy that you are sharing your medicine experience with.
It is for this reason we ask you to fill in a booking form. Letting us know of your unique motivation for entering the world of plant medicine. Each of us human beings have a unique pattern of embodiment or disembodiment.
If you have been or are currently on medication of any description it is paramount that we know this in advance of ceremony. Also, if you have any history, personal or family history of psychiatric illness or hospitalisation for same it is imperative that you reveal this.
This may or may not preclude you from participating. Should you not wish to write this information on your booking form then you can connect with me privately / +353(0)876684324
The plant medicines that are becoming more and more available in our western culture have arrived at this juncture in our evolution as allies in the awakening of consciousness. Ayahausca, Huachuma (San Pedro); Kambo, Yopo; 5MEODMT etc, all of these consciousnesses; for plants were the first beings before animals and humans to live harmoniously on this planet earth; these medicines are incredibly powerful.
Often gentle in their power to heal, strengthen, they scan the depths of your being, cleaning the roots of karmic imprints, assisting in bringing into balance all manner of imbalances of body, mind and spirit. A truly holistic experience.
Though often gentle, they can also be quite cathartic, releasing from the body through purging (getting well), shaking, tremors, heat, cold, tears and laughing etc….
These magical medicines of Peru and South America, of the deep Amazon have come at this time of planetary awakening to assist us in healing mind, body and spirit. Please come with an open and honest heart and you are welcome. Coming with suspicion and any dishonesty is not helpful or useful.
Our medicine circles are like family; a tribe; a microcosm of the macrocosm. We come together to heal old wounds and traumas, personal, collective, and ancestral in a supportive and open sacred environment. Please come with this openness and all will benefit from the healings available.
Please give as much information as you can and as I previously said you are welcome to call or email me privately if there may be something you do not wish to disclose on paper. All with be treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality.
As we heal ourselves, we heal our world, our planet. We are creating, step by integral step, a new paradigm based on trust, openness and personal integrity and authenticity. The old paradigm of insurances and assurances from external sources is passing. We are autonomous beings responsible for our choices. Creating a new world for ourselves and future generations must begin with us finding within our own wisdom, our own inner healer. The time of the outer teacher is passing, though mentors who have travelled this path before us are essential. An ear to whisper in and a hand to hold. On the plant medicine journey, it is the wisdom of the plants that guide us to our true self.
Also some form of mindfulness/meditative practices are essential on this journey. Our own mind can be our greatest friend but also our greatest enemy.