The Six Lokas Retreat with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Meditation of the Six Lokas: Purifying the Obstacles to Enlightenment. Transformation through Body, Breath, and Mind with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
At one time or another each of us suffers strong emotions that throw us off balance, cause us to act in ways that we later regret, and disconnects us from the clear open space of our true nature.
Centuries ago the masters of the Tibetan Bön Buddhist lineage developed the meditations of the Six Lokas (or realms) specifically to meet our powerful emotions, find the medicine in so doing, and live our lives in a balanced and relaxed way.
These meditations focus on the root causes of our suffering: anger, greed, ignorance, jealousy, pride, and laziness—the six destructive emotions that are the obstacles to enlightenment. In each meditation we reflect upon our habitual patterns so that we may recognize them rather than be driven by them. We then invoke the enlightened energy of the Buddhas to purify and transform these patterns, giving rise to their antidotes of love, generosity, wisdom, openness, peacefulness, and compassion. We develop the sincere aspiration that we and all other beings cease to suffer in these ways. The practices of the Six Lokas have a deeply healing and transformative power, and are traditionally practiced as a preliminary to dzogchen contemplation.
Tenzin Rinpoche welcomes everyone to join him to explore these powerful teachings and apply them in our lives. During this retreat, Rinpoche will explain how physical movements, breath, mantra, imagery, and contemplation can deeply purify the seeds of our karmic patterns and support the healing that comes from resting in one’s true nature, the source of all joy and happiness.
Solas Bhride Centre
Tully Road
Kildare Town
Co. Kildare
Ireland R51Y281
Friday, 26 April 2024
19:00–20:30 Teaching
Saturday, 27 April 2024
10:00–11:30 Teaching
11:30–12:00 Tea break
12:00–13:00 Teaching
13:00–15:00 Lunch break
15:00–16:30 Teaching
16:30–17:00 Break
17:00–18:00 Teaching
Sunday, 28 April 2024
10:00–11:30 Teaching
11:30–12:00 Tea break
12:00–13:00 Teaching
13:00–14:30 Lunch break
14:30–16.00 closing